Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lazy Grandma :)

What is going on with Grandma?  Grandma is getting lazy telling about things! This bear looks lazy too! So many things go on but I just don't get to the computer to write them!  I am getting excited about seeing you all soon!  Then we will see all of the animals and play with them!   It has been cold here and math has kept your uncles real busy!  Me too!  Grandpa works hard and likes to watch ballgames at night, Uncle Jesse watches them with him.
Uncle Jake snacks a lot and plays & plays!  He is never bored!  Me either!
All of the animals are being very good and getting lots to eat.  Joe Joe is so happy about the dog food - Hunter, Lady and Baby are just letting him sneak it while they nap!   Bossy and Whooey Who are happy about it getting warmer.  Hector and Kevin eat and play all day!  
Jack is a jackrabbit - did you know that? That means he can jump real high and fast because he has longer legs than regular rabbits!   Mommy can tell you about that.  God made so many animals!  What is your favorite animal?  My favorite is ...
Well I can't say-  I like almost all of them!
Mr. Hoppy Toad is still not out yet.  Still no rain.  He will be up soon.  I am ready to see him- I like him a lot!
Ok- Grandma better go fold some clothes- and fix everyone a snack.
Sweet sleep!   I miss you so much! xo
Love 4ever, Grandma xo

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jack The Rabbit

What's going on Grandma?
Here is Jack the rabbit!  He is being real still so Hunter won't see him.  Hunter and Baby like to chase him and Jack gets tired so he hides down by the old barn.   Jack can be still for a real long time!  He almost looks like my rabbit statue I have in the back yard!  But Jack is very real and very fast when he runs!  Hunter and Baby can't catch him and Lady doesn't even try!  Whooey Who just watches Jack and says Who Who sometimes!   Bossy thinks Jack's ears are kinda cool because the stick up so high!  Like a spiky hair doo!   Joe Joe has seen Jack lots of times- Jack has scared him before when he was sneaking dog food!   Hector and Kevin let Jack eat hay with them for a little while but when he eats too much they kick him a little to get him to go back to his own home.  Mr. Hoppy Toad has not come out of the ground yet - I think he will as soon as it rains and softens the dirt!  Maybe I am wrong but I think I am right!  Grandpa says that Jack better stay out of his garden!  I know that Jack will be very hungry for the vegetables in Grandpa's garden so I am going to make him a garden he can eat in- I think I will plant him some cabbage and carrots!   Hunter and Baby will like Jack coming close to the house so they can chase him across the field!  It is so funny to see Hunter, Baby, Hector and Kevin all run at the same time!
Guess who wins?  Did you say Hunter?  Jack is faster than Hunter is!  You will have to see that!  
Now Grandma is going to get ready for bed.  I walked with the animals for over an hour tonight!
We had lots of fun!  I miss you all but I will see you soon!  ;)   
Love 4ever, Grandma xo            Lady just looked in the front door at me and is begging for a cookie- I will sneak her one!   Baby is waiting for your chicken nuggets! 

Saturday, March 19, 2011


What's going on Grandma?
Here is a humming bird!  What does Emmasay???  I will write a story soon!  Joe Joe has been so busy!
Guess what he is doing?  Yep!  You guessed it!  Dunking dog food in the bird water!  
I love you all so very, very much!  Love 4ever, Grandma xo

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monkey Around?

What's going on Grandma?
I was looking for a picture and look what I found!  Two little monkeys!  
One is playing a trick on the other one!  Uncle Jesse and Uncle Jake laughed about it and thought I should send you the picture!  Grandpa said I should too!   I bet Mommy will laugh!
I hope you like it!   Maybe you can play that trick on someone!  Grandpa and his brothers do that trick a lot!  It is funny!
I wonder what Hector and Kevin would think of the monkeys?  They have never seen a monkey-
none of the farm animals have!  I think they would laugh at them!  Hector and Kevin would let them ride on them!  Wouldn't that be fun!  Hunter, Lady and Baby would try to get them to give them a snack but I don't think the monkeys would do that!  They would probably eat the snacks!  Monkeys like snacks too!
Whooey Who would probably say something wise to them and they would scratch their heads and wonder what he said!   Bossy would be giving them a spiky hair doo!  That would be cute!
Mr. Hoppy Toad would maybe run and hide!   Joe Joe would sneak dog food while the monkeys showed off!   That is what I think they would all do!  What would you do if you were with these monkeys?   Grandma would try to dress them in clothes!  Remember, I like to dress animals-  I really do!
Grandpa just fixed us all some popcorn so I better go eat some!  Grandpa will fix you some when you come!  We will have fun!
Love 4ever, Grandma xo

Friday, March 4, 2011

All Friends!

What's going on Grandma?
Look at this group of friends!  They all like each other  and play good together!
I thought you would like to see a picture of them.   Floppy the rabbit, Squeeky the mouse, Buttons the kitty and Patches the puppy!  Aren't they so cute!  
Grandma will have to come back later and write the story!  I will be right back... I love you so much! xo
Ok!  Grandma's back!  We went to Uncle Jake's basketball game!   It was a very exciting game and Jake's team won!  Uncle Jake did real good!  Uncle Jesse will play again real soon!
So fun to watch them- Grandpa gets so happy about the games- I do too!  
Let's talk about the little group of friends in the picture.  What do you think they are doing?
I am trying to guess but I can't figure it out!   Maybe they are a little pet zoo.  Maybe they are in a commercial for white things!  Maybe they all just got on the porch and lined up to get their picture taken and little Patches, the puppy, fell asleep waiting!   Maybe Buttons the kitty is trying to see what Squeeky the mouse is eating.   Maybe Floppy the rabbit is thinking about hopping off the porch and eating a carrot!   I think they all got a bath and are drying off in the sun!  What do you think they are doing? 
Grandma wants to know what you think!
Hunter, Lady and Baby came running to the car when we got home tonight- We went to Sonic and got onion rings and they smelled them!   Now I have to get them a snack too!   The wind is blowing so all the other animals are snuggled up and sleeping.  
Grandpa says we all need to get to bed - we will listen to him!  We are tired!
I miss you so much!   Love 4ever, Grandma xo