Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Little Mouse Story...

Hi my precious grandkids!
Grandma's got a story that I think you'll like!
Grandpa and your Uncle Jesse and Uncle Jake were fixing something on the living room floor... I was watching them when right across the floor a little mouse was dragging a mouse trap by his tail!  He was really trying to get someone's attention!  "Hey, could you help me out!  I'm kinda caught on this thing and I need you to help me! He pulled it up and down the floor and looked at me then looked at Grandpa then at your uncles. Grandma almost jumped and screamed but he was so cute I just watched him.  Finally he stopped and looked so serious..."would any of you just reach down here please and let me loose?"  We all said, "Jesse will!" So Uncle Jesse helped him and took him on outside so he could go be with the rest of his family.   This little picture is how he looked as he thanked Uncle Jesse for being so kind! 
I just thought that you would like that story!
     We have three big puppies now... Tug, Spot and Frodo.  Grandma will tell you about them real soon!
Have a nice night my wonderful grand children!
Grandma loves you so very, very much! xo xo ox ox ox     

Friday, March 9, 2012

Where's That Ball?

What's going on Grandma?
Today while Uncle Jesse and Uncle Jake were in History class Hector and Kevin started Hee Hawing and we went outside to see what they were excited about!  We found the brown horse came back and was talking to Hector face to face!  The brown horse wanted the orange ball!  Hector said that Jake took it in the house and was not ever going to let him have it!  Kevin wanted to fuss with the brown horse for being in our yard but Hector wanted to be the one to tell him to leave!  The brown horse put his ears back to show he was tough and Hector put his up higher to show he was tougher!  It must have scared the brown horse because he took off running back home really fast!  Hector laughed and so did Kevin!  Then they Hee Hawed really loud and kinda danced around!
Hunter and Baby danced around too!  Grandma danced around too!  Uncle Jesse and Uncle Jake were happy they got to get a break from school for awhile but they didn't dance around!  If they ever do dance around I'll take their picture for sure!  Wouldn't that be funny?  I would say, Hee Haw if I saw that!
Well that is what is going on here!
Love 4ever, Grandma xo

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Spy

What's going on Grandma?
Hey kids!  Look who came to see us today!  Four beautiful horses!  Hector and Kevin weren't real sure that they wanted to play with the horses.  They were wanting Hector and Kevin to play I spy!  The horses spied something orange but Hector and Kevin just acted like they didn't hear them!  Finally the big brown horse went to get the orange thing.  It was in the back yard and the horses wanted to play with it.  Kevin did not want to let him because he knew it was Jake's new basketball!   Hector went to help Kevin ... all the horses thought they were stronger and could get the ball away from Kevin!   I thought Kevin was going to sit on it to keep it from the big brown horse!  Anyway- just when it was looking pretty scary for Kevin and Hector a cowboy came after the horses!  He put reigns on them and lead them back to their house!  The big brown one looked back at Kevin and stuck his nose in the air like he wanted to say, "I'll be back later to get that ball!"  Kevin stuck his nose up in the air like he was saying, " Oh, no you won't!"  Then Hector ran beside Kevin and they played ball!  Yes!  Hector and Kevin play ball!  I will show you when you come to see me!  They didn't hurt Jake's ball but they almost did!  I think I will buy them one, just for them!  The horses really just wanted Hector and Kevin to play I spy something orange but they didn't understand that game!   Hunter and baby know that game!  
Do you?  
Well that is my Grandma story today!  Hope you liked it!
Sweet dreams my Grandkids! 
Love 4ever, Grandma xo