Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Silver on Grandma's Walk

What's going on Grandma?
Look who Grandma saw on her walk!  His name is Silver!  He is so beautiful!
Hunter and Baby took me on a walk and they showed me this beautiful horse!  He is our neighbor's horse!  We can visit him anytime we want to!  Silver likes Hunter and Baby!  They are good friends!  Today was the first time Grandma ever met him!  He likes me!   I have seen Silver lots of times but I have never gotten real close to him!  Today I did!  I like horses!  Grandma likes all animals and birds!  I like toads too!
Most of all I like my grandkids!  I like to share stories with you about God and animals that He has made!
Silver was showing off for me!  He thinks he can dance!  I don't have any animals that like to dance so this was fun!  Can you dance?  Uncle Jake can dance!  Uncle Jesse does not like to dance!  He plays the drums - he plays real good!  Grandpa danced a long time ago!  Grandma dances when no one is looking!
I get so happy that I feel like I want to dance!  So I do!   Maybe that is why Silver likes to dance!  He is happy!  
Grandma better go to bed now!  Remember to dance when you are happy!  It is fun!!
I will take you to see Silver when you come to my house!  We will see lots of animals when you come!
Love 4ever, Grandma xo


  1. Grandma tells you stories just like I would talk to you if I were with you!
    I love you so much! xo

  2. We really like Silver, I think we have seen before while we were driving. Emma wants to know if we can pet him? Emma likes to play freeze dance.... She is so cute when she plays that. We went to chik fill a for lunch withandrea and Jackson and Emma made two new friends, a boy and a girl. She had so much fun she didn't want to leave, so we had to trade in our toy for ice-cream then she was ready to go! Well we bettter get off to bed, we get to go pick daddy up at the airport tomorrow, so we are so excited!! We love you Grandma and miss you! Emma, Leah, and Alisha

  3. Yes! You did see Silver! He is at Ryan's house. I will ask them if we can pet him. I am sure they will say yes!
    Daddy coming home! Wow! How wonderful! Have fun and hug daddy for me too!
    Love you all so much! Soon ;) Soon is here for Daddy!
