Saturday, January 15, 2011

We Named Him Tabby

What's going on Grandma?
We found a cat in our front yard!  Uncle Jesse and Grandpa says they have seen him here for a while!
How fun!  He is so handsome!  Don't you think so too?
I saw him licking the steps where we toss the scrapes to Hunter, Lady and Baby!  He is not skinny so I guess he is getting lots of things to eat in the barn!  Cats and owls like things that are in barns to eat!
Seems like they can always find a snack in there!  Sure would be hard for me to find a snack in a barn!
Maybe some sweet oats that we give Hector and Kevin.  I really did taste it one day!  Pretty yummy!  Mommy wouldn't want you to eat that!  
Do you think Tabby is a good name for our new cat?  I like that name.  Maybe someday I can pet Tabby.  He runs off when I open the door- guess he is scared because he doesn't know us yet!
He runs right to Hector and Kevin!  I think they are friends already.  
Hunter usually chases cats but one time there was a big yellow cat here that turned around and scratched Hunter on the nose and he didn't bother that cat again!   I will tell Tabby to do that!  
Bossy and Whooey Who are asleep!  Hunter, Lady, and Baby are curled up in the blankets on the back porch.  I put a box out there and they are taking turns in it!  So cute!
Joe Joe is getting fat!  Did he find the dog food?   Maybe so!
Mr. Hoppy Toad needs a new roof on his house!  Why do things keep falling on his roof!  I will ask Grandpa to fix it for him before he gets up in the spring!
Hector and Kevin have been real good!  They are so fuzzy!  They get lots of hair in the winter to keep warm with!  God made everything sooooooo good!
Goldie needs another bath but he will have to wait until tomorrow- Grandma is tired!
Did I forget anyone?  
Uncle Jake had a great ball practice!  Your uncles are really good ball players!  Did I tell you that already?  I bet I did!  
Hey!  Guess what Grandpa is doing!  You guessed it!  Watching ballgames on TV!  Funny Grandpa!  Does Daddy do that?
Guess what Grandma is doing!  You guessed it again!  I am writing you this story!  
Uncle Jesse and Uncle Jake are eating a snack before bed.  They are eating cereal!  You like cereal too-
I remember!  
Thank you for the pictures of Snow, your owl and Tripper your cardinal!  I will see them some day when I come to your house!  That will be sooooo fun!
Oh, no!  Lady is wanting a snack too!  Shhh, Lady! Don't wake Hunter and Baby up!  I will get you a snack but be real quiet!  Good girl!
Grandma better go to bed now!  I love you soooooo much!
 Love 4ever, Grandma xo


  1. Hello Grandma! We really like Tabby, maybe we will get to see him too...
    Emma and Leah cleaned the whole basement and so they got a sticker and when they get to 5 they get something special! Emma tried to take a nap to get a sticker but that didn't last very long..... Well, we better go get a snack and play before bed. They have to go to bed early since they didn't take a nap. We love you and that's what's going on in Nebraska! Love, your girls

  2. Oh, how Grandma loves you! Thanks for letting me know what is going on in Nebraska! How fun! Love 4ever, Grandma xo

  3. Mommy was wrong.....we didn't go to bed early. We went out and played in the snow!! The temperature wasn't too bad so we went out and the snow was finally sticking together so we made a snow man and threw snow balls at each other!! It was so fun and it must have really worn them out because they slept through the night!! Can't wait till summer, lol! We love you and miss you! Emma asked, "Why does Grandma say love forever?". I told her that you wanted her to know that you will love her forever and she just smiled and hugged sweet! Love you Forever! Alisha

  4. 4ever! Every time I write 4ever- I remind myself 4ever is real! Real! Real Good!!! 4ever! Love 4ever, Grandma xo
